Monday, February 22, 2010

Be SMART with your goals...

Today's thoughts are not original with me, but they are worth sharing. What are you trying to accomplish with your weight loss strategy? If I were to ask you to write down your goals, what would you write? "To lose weight"? "To be healthier"?
Those are good things, but those are not really good goals. It's like going on a trip and saying, "I'm going east." When you set out on a journey, you are specific about where you are going, how you are going to get there, and how long it will take. When setting your weight loss goals, use the acronym SMART to decide what you are going to shoot for:
S - Specific. Be specific about your goals. "I want to lose 50 pounds." "I want to get my blood pressure down to normal." "I want to fit back into my size 8 jeans."
M - Measureable. Make sure your goals are measureable, so that you can gauge your progress. This usually involves setting goals that involve numbers, whether they be pounds, inches, or other units of measure.
A - Action-related. This involves setting goals for which you have the knowledge, ability, and tools to achieve. They have to be set according to what YOU are capable of achieving.
R - Realistic. If you set your goal at losing 10 pounds a week, you are going to give up, because by week 4, you're going to be about 30 pounds behind. Do not watch The Biggest Loser and think you are going to pull those kinds of numbers. They have a whole team of trainers, nutritionists, doctors, and other support people who guide them through carefully planned menus and insane workout schedules.
T - Time-related. Put a time component into your plans, with a starting date and a goal completion date.
Keep your goals specific, measureable, action-related, realistic, and time-related, and you will realize them sooner than you think!

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