Tuesday, March 9, 2010


(This entry is from my personal blog - thought it might be useful.)
Well, tonight was a first for me... this is the first week that I have lost nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Not one ounce.
I guess it's time for me to take the steps myself that I recommend to everyone else when they ask me how to proceed after a week of little or no loss (or a gain). So, here we go:
1. Analyze the diet: Did I eat something I should not have? (Nope.) Did I eat too much of something that can slow down my weight loss? (Probably - I do know that I tried increasing my carbs slightly, and that probably had something to do with it.) Did I eat out? (No - aside from my usual Monday night trip to Chick-Fil-A, I've not eaten out.) Did I get too much sodium? (No, I didn't eat anything I didn't cook myself this week.) Lesson for next week: lose the carbs again.
2. Analyze the exercise: We did change our exercise routine this week - last Wednesday we started running during our hour with Johnnie; Friday morning we had that basketball game; the physical repercussions from the game did limit my workouts over the weekend, and even this morning's run. Talked with Johnnie tonight about going back to alternating cardio with weight training. He approved, so hopefully I can get back on track.
3. Supplements, vitamins, parsley tea, lemon water - the ancillary stuff we have to do. Check, check, check, and mostly check. Gotta get back on the water.
Sometimes your body just gets used to what you're doing, and you have to shake things up. I will be making some changes this week, and hopefully will get things moving again. It's coming during a difficult week - I have to take an out-of-town trip for the first time since starting the Biggest Loser. We will be at a church conference that will be feeding the crowd like kings, and I'm going to have to navigate all that.
Am I disappointed? Yes. But I'm not upset. Even Barry said, "You didn't lose a dadgum thing and you're still in the lead... good job." My trainer Johnnie echoed those sentiments, and I do understand where they're coming from. I've done the work and had the discipline to put myself in a position to be able to weather a bad week here and there late in the contest. I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing, and it will pay off in the end. So - back to work tomorrow morning.

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